I discovered this fix 2 years ago, but never really gave it to the community. I remember listening to one of hhhhhhhhhh's tracks which I loved so much, but as usual, it had that stupid click noise annoying me. So I found just the right GATE settings to remove almost all clicking. It will not work 100% of the time because it depends on the sound dynamics + the amount of the pitch, but since I found this fix I always use it in my tracks.


I have shown 3 setups... whether you want a 16-step swing., 4 step swing, or even 2 step swing for your music.


First example 16 steps 00:00 - 00:08 clicking >>> 00:10 - 00:18 not clicking.

Second example 4 steps 00:20 - 00:28 clicking >>> 00:30 - 00:38 not clicking.

Third example 2 steps 00:40 - 00:48 clicking >>> 00:50 - 00:58 not clicking.


Also notice that for the pitch I used the scratch effect, not the slow effect. For example:


SLOW effect with ratio 3/4 has the same pitch if you were to use the scratch effect with "tone 75%".


Or for example:


SLOW effect with ratio 2/3 has the same pitch if you were to use the scratch effect with "tone 67%".


You get the same sound pitch effect, but when using scratch for the pitch you also get less clicking artifact when combined with gate.


Open this up and give it a look. Hope this helps.

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