messy and untrue. lies behold you. trials and tattoos. lives that unfold. Living inside you. yet withered and cold. careful, who loves those who never grow old. listen , it controls you weoweoweoooo the distance decides who. grows tempted ye stole. now listen to weoweowehoohoo when the raven arrives, just let it behoove you, like so what temptations arrive. with weooweeoowho I'll never fucking miss you. as long as I'm alright, battered ,still, allivres. bruised and full of strife. Bescause the distance besides you... nothingness. surive. the distance besides who brings warm in guise. pulls me back inside....of you in me and me in you. together we are one! (It dose-n't matter if you sing it right.) with our wings at 7, we bless thy heaven. for hell is upon hearth. Where willows bee hives. lanterns guide thee youth lackluster & bright eyes. no harrow in heathen or mainlines. junk, a whip taming the blind. sinister and selfish the snubbed nose cry. fuck em, for they too drink bottles of rye, shouting for freedom, with stars in their I's.

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  • Republished

    Draft, still chaotic, No recordings made yet. Just laying the foundations

  • I wish someone could assist me in transforming this into a mix genre with real instrumentals, such as punk/metal/hiphop beat and melody. Please let me know if you're interested. Collaboration is crucial! Especially if someone has the skills to fill the hole that my lack of skills and knowledge causes in my creativity.