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  • Yeah I feel the same way @HeAd_HuNtEr does. You can do a lot with this tune; I'd add some type of soothing string instrument to even the track out. But this is a great start actually. Keep it up!

  • nice

  • the beat is really good

  • not a bad start here

  • You could do alot more with this dude like @TRI PEX said. Its also just a little out of tune.

  • nice beat mate like the bass to tempo and higher influx nice keep up the good work

  • this is this guys first track and its better than all of your combined No Emotion

  • oh great more spam too GREAT your not really even a part of the community you come on the the site and SPAM its kinda annoying you have 60 followers (mainly because of spam) and i have 26 and i have spammed no tracks and been a part of the community un follow delete every comment of criticism but learn from this before you delete this

  • wow just when you think it cant get any worse im sorry but the community is too nice they need to tell you this kinda sucks

  • cool

  • Idk how good my remix is I need help

  • definitley agree with tripex though

  • not bad at all good job dude

  • honest opinon, based on my experience: It's way too empty. Theres a lot that needs to be added. It's a okay track but you need more punch in it! Also calm that synth down alittle. But keep tryin'!

  • not my just sounds empty