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  • Clean, 501 call that designer jeans. Been screwed over so i'm gonna flex by any means. I got shooters and they all sip lean, talking about robbing so I know he down the victims used to be my friends but they turned to fiends. 3 strikes, 12 am and I'm getting work you should follow my stream. I can put you on to better things, god showed me some blessing that i'm not supposed to keep. I had to finesse, so I gave them Fleece. I only need a girl with some fire weed to find my inner peace.

  • We need to collab G

    • yeah I need some help on how to make something like this as well

    • Dead ass bro we should send me something

  • nice setup! 3 HB's, 2 reverbs, 2 Rasselbocks.. could you have made it work with just 1 machinist?

    good catchy tune.

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