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  • nowadays, nostalgic melodies

  • That bass!

  • Love the melody and clean sounds here! The song flows nicely; I love how the bass isn't too overpowering but at the same time doesn't get lost.

  • awesome

  • this is pretty good!

  • never enough! (Y)

  • great!

  • great track man !

  • so good!

  • Epic!

  • It turns out there's someone else named syntax. Oops.

  • I don't think it has to be different one ever time. Since there are 9, take a splitter and plug each output into another one and link them to the destination where it'll be sidechained.

    @syntax : I think only the clap or whatever it is is too quiet, yes, but @:23 to 2:38 , that snare is sort of annoying when the pitch is very low in the beginning. You're listening to the beginning of the middle section, and suddenly, "BSH BSH," but other than that, this is a great song.

  • I think the drums are too quiet. Other than that, this is pretty sick.

  • awesome track i dig =)

  • congratz