Got tired of waiting to publish it.

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  • That's really cool!!! Good track

  • Still love this so much!!! Your best!

  • just founf this one! well, definitely different from your usual stuff XD

  • very pretty :)

  • Its cool how music gets these ideas in my head going. I once also said that in the future I believe that we will travel by frequency in space.

  • You make Great music. I picture the day of old. When earth exploration began. Like when people would jump on a boat and just head off toward the horizon, not knowing if there was an edge. Suppose that our universe is constructed in the same pattern as everything else. That its a great big sphere and when you break the edge of space, theres something else. Just like when you leave the atmosphere of earth.

  • Beautiful track :-D

  • been here twice already already knew about it :) wanna hear a different on e:) hmmm Contra caught my eye

  • outer space, inner peace

    NICE :)

  • .............................................^..........................................^.................................... :)

  • Thanks so much andremoda! I appreciate it. I really love Sandburgen's remix too! :) I will be creating a single and posting on bandcamp/Facebook soon. :)

  • this is so nice music ! the remix from structure bring me back here ! so wonderfull music.

  • Thanks Kepz! :)

  • this must be my fav by you