Very nice, SBD.

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0 -
0 Not the usual style that I'm used to, but the fact that I enjoyed it very much has to mean that you must have done something right. Good work! :)
0 Nice Southbronx that intro here you used the rassleblock is really cool and that part at 1.51 is awesome! Nice work man deff let me know when you publish another track
0 nice one. I agree 1.51 is cool.
0 GReat man, Awesomeenjoyit
0 SBD ! good track mon :)
0 Cool! Awesome at 1:51 .
0 Thanks King Good Morning
0 love it a lot
0 thanks every one
0 I always the sounds you create bro, very nice job!
0 i like it
0 yo Up when I try to automate a fx my cpu locks up so I automate the synths.
0 I know u were speaking of the title, but it gave me a good laugh.
0 sorry. i should just say, great track, i love it. it's kindo wild. :)