Sometimes things are good.Clear sunny days.

Just the right amount of clouds in the sky. a Day at the beach. A time in life n-between problems.

a sence of growth and well being. And a Good song to Help you notice the rare moment in life where things are just fine and your glass is half full of orange soda

Track creation:

This is a collaboration featuring



With a Cameo Solo From

Syntax. (those who know Her style will know where)

This Track was a joy making

Enjoy this chill track. And next time you find your self in a good place. Stop and take notice for that is where your best memories come from

its the small things that matter at the end

Edits: Syntax solo leangthened

Fixed some of the spelling issues

Titiled song to Show authors

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  • Every once in a while I come back to this one for nostalgia, and also the fact that it seems like this really was the perfect send off as the first year of Audiotool 2.0 came to a close with the burgeoning community it had created. Back when almost nobody knew how to do anything right and everything sounded terrible. This is really the only track that ever reminds me that we all started in the same place and I wish more could experience what we had and what we didn't have all the way back then.

  • Haven't been on this app in a minute, but dammit if I still don't love this track. I have the best feeling when I listen to it.

  • deserves so much more love

  • still love it

  • still an amazing song I always come back to...

  • wow

  • Man, as if it's already been a year and a half since this track.

  • Yeah, this track is still gold. Glad I even had a part in it, lol.

  • REFAVE. Albumized

  • refave

  • actually about 1 year 6 months

  • this track has lasting power its been a year and i still like listening to it


  • Infyuthsion and Uprising should collab again