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  • Beauti track

  • Woah pumping :0

    It’s pretty chill yet something nice to dance to

  • wtf why is this in the chart

  • Lovely tune!

    • Yo creo que le dan un buen toque, sigue trabajando que vas por buen camino!

    • Muchas gracias! Exactamente, las vocales las hice yo y luego terminé bajándole el pitch al todo, para darle otro ambiente a la canción. ;D

      Aún así, no me terminan de convencer.

    • Son tuyas las vocales? Enhorabuena por el tema, suena a puro verano

  • welcome back, I hope to see more from you soon :)

    • Thaaaanks, It will be a pleasure to show you more work from me :D

  • Hope you like it, guys! <3

    • Oh! thanks man, missed you too :D

      I had a lot of hard work with bands, producers and singers and... I'm Working on my self debut album , so... That's it, a lot of work!

    • bruh what the hell took you so long? i missed you!