Only if I understood...

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  • can you open remix for this

  • Main issue is that you have a few notes from different synths in different keys, so the harmonies dont quite work in places. These things come with time and study but again, your tracks do have potential and source material is there to make something great. Just got to learn the art of mastering, sound design and music theory,

  • noice.


  • this is a little bit loud to me :p

  • Republished

    Final Version

  • Republished

    enhanced drum kick and more chords!

  • cool

  • This sound would be good Only If that pic was changed

  • Republished

    Title change - Wrong draft sent to MONO_TONUS.

  • Republished

    more sidechain

  • soothing asf them pads and sythns thou gheezuhs

  • keep up the good work man


  • you should sidechain more, but i really like the chords

  • Republished

    Chords 4 dayyyys