Can't stand this one anymore. Each time I try to make it a bit better, it becomes worth and worth.... So here it is as it is, far from what I want but have to stop and go for another one.

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  • merci merci :)

  • très jolie ensemble ! ce son " boîte à musique" est vraiment bien arrangé !

  • yep j'adore ce sample :)

  • ce sample phazé ça claque et l'emsemble est vraiment pas mal du tout, love it :)

  • Thank you guys!

  • Like it. Good one.

  • Oh, awesome track BTW!

  • One thing that helps me is to do most of my mixing and EQing as I'm writing. That way the inspiration I have at that moment has a better chance of being preserved. Also keeps me from having to mix down a song that I hate! :)

  • Oh man, I know exactly what you're saying. I can't even listen to most of my tracks by the time I publish. In fact, my draft box is full of tracks I got sick of before they were finished.

  • I'd say that we all doubt our creations pal,,,.i'm like Christian in that respect,,and i agree,,the more you tinker the more you lose your original vibe,,but don't doubt yourself,,,this is really niice!!!! ;)

  • Tks for you compassion @Christian-Chrom , makes me feel a bit better knowing I am no the only one to create my own nightmare ;)

  • nice track and i know this problem well thats the reason why i make my track fast like 1-2 days :)

    the going much worse the longer i try to make them better :D