There's Juxtaposition and then there's just smashing 2 and a half different track Ideas together to avoid wasting time on resolutions.

Sorry Froxxie, but I need to get this on Soundcloud as soon possable.

Will probably be subject to a repost or two before the end of the day.

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  • Awesome!!!!!


  • I don't know why you've apologized, man. My life fell apart for about a week. Y'know things get crazy. It's not your fault that I didn't get the chance. It is nice, though.

    • Yeah, I really just did that to imply to other listeners that you weren't able to do anything. Looking at the this page in an other account though, it seems the co authors thing doesn't appear so I guess it was pointless. Eh

  • Songs sampled:

    "AN Interlude", "Tell It Like It Is", and "Hip Hop Beleive It Stuff" by FrankJavCee

    and "In My Eyes" by Minor Threat