Grape Gosh!! this is awesome!! :3

i would like to thank zone and zend they are the imsipration behind this track
Really likeing liquid dnb now a days and thank again to ever one support me im really try guys to get good
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0 -
0 Thank you yeah right now I have huge song in the works with crazy synths piano and even vocals
1 I also like this one a lot. Piano is one of the key things in EDM I think. :)
0 ;)
0 And this is a work in progress you say? That can't be right...this has to be a full track. It's just so...great.
0 And this is a work in progress you say? That can't be right...this has to be a full track. It's just so...great.
0 Woah cool. Hard to make that Inf piano sound authentic.
0 thank you
0 wow nice drums m8 :)
awesome piano :)
0 thank you
0 Nice!
0 Thank you
0 LOve it.
0 Thank you guys
0 epic