Sounds fantastic!

Kept it short and simple.
Stole this pic' out of her phone, I know how much she love dandelions.
Thanks to @Limitless for the chords. It was s'possed to be called On My Magic Carpet, or some happy shit. But I thought I'd dedicate this to a special friend.
I'll make it longer soon when I get the chance ,
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0 -
0 u stay making songs for her..
0 Awesome track!
that intro rise was beautiful
0 Thx peeps :)
0 Aw I like the melody!
0 Cool bro
0 Thanks!! Lovin this beat! You should really make this longer. You've got some amazing talent.
0 This is not ratchet man... This is pretty cool just short though
0 @Serene Fuego yooo make this longer!
0 definetely not ratchet. looove when that snare hits.
1 0.46 this really beautiful
<3 <3 Thk u
0 LOL woooow.
Is this why u said to not work on it anymore?!