Nice.. I like it :D

. A little rough around the edges.t. other than that i think this track is great!!!
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0 -
1 how.... 0.45
0 That main synth though!! This is great! I kinda wanna remix.
1 you got the idea haha
0 Cool. Maybe a little more work on percussion (search for "Techno Kit" or "Classic Techno Kit" with machiniste) so printing more energy in the climax. I loved the first part synthesizer and musical idea is good. :)
0 Thanks for listening and liking guys. I really appreciate it
2 so cool!
2 sick man.
0 awesome man!! great job
0 nice lead. Also, are we still doing that collab?
0 maybe in the beeginning a nice soft trance
2 its amazing but 1 thing at the very beginning try a softer intro not so drummy but like soft other then that it is amazing love it
0 Can u guys please coment on mt tracks and tell me what i need to do to be better PLEASE!!!! THANKS