Massive Kaskade vibes, and I'm here for it

Extent meaning I extended in how I think it should sound.
Original: PLSS (FLIP)
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1 -
0 its like people dont notice that he just extended it
1 you should probably shout out the original PLSS (FLIP) by MILXN. it isn't mentioned anywhere and you didn't change much of MILXN's original sound.
0 @Client why should i try EDM like this? im confused~ (btw i love this song~) i mean its great but.... i could never make anythign that even compares to that~
0 You're Op
1 Pop off mah brotha!!
0 great track client!
0 dead ass thought the title was PISS for a second
1 cleann ass mix
1 woah
0 Republished
Added some stuff (maybe a good idea?)
3 ncs 2014 edm category type beat
1 rocket league type beat
1 groovy
1 love this