so I got 2 things to talk about, first thing is that I'm making a sample pack mainly just basses but I also used some in this track, second thing is that imma start build a PC soon which will be 2 months lmao but ill start a youtube channel for audiotool stuff like tutorials and just using dumb samples and turning them into a drop (def not a eliminate rip-off)

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  • lesssgooooo

    • welcome to te club

    • bro it was so hard coming up with idea I think I hit an artist block or something idk

  • yikes that snare is not good

  • i already knew this but im still happy ur annnouncing it. also this preview track is sick

  • I was thinking of doing something similar actually. Lol

  • but yea there is alot more samples you guys can just look up my name in the daw/assetts and you can find it