noted, if i can find a way to make those instruments, then i shall ^_^ but until i find a piano that sounds like a piano and a quitar that sounds like a guitar ect. ect. i unfortunatly have to use these synths -_- XD lol thanks for the tip
hey thanks for the criticism, it will definitely help, also glad to know there's someone out there willing to give criticism like that, i'll see what i can do for my next track
I promise I'm only giving you constructive criticism, but it needs to be more exciting. And I know that's hard to hear as I understand your pretty young to music, but if you go back to my old tracks they also lacked excitement. I'm not saying it's bad, it just needs more to it than one synth. Another way to boost excitement is effects. Chords go great with S-Detune, and it could use more reverb.