So I decided to send this one out like this. It's still good. It's just that I've been working on it off and on whenever I could since school started, and wherever I could with my sorta janky laptop. I would have liked to work on it more, but alas, that was not what fate had in store. Not that this is unfinished. I pretty much finished everything I had planned, but I like to give it a few weeks and add some stuff here and there. Some finishing touches if you will.


Even if this laptop was better than the one I used before, it's still not as good as my desktop. I'm probably going to buy a new motherboard for that one and just rebuild it. Well, hope you like the song and the cover art I recently did for it haha. Stay funky. Qua-Z out.

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  • Liked it a lot !

    • Thanks again bro. Another is in the works. Im hoping I can find some time this weekend.

  • oh wow

    liking the groove!!