This was fun to make. I plan on make a remix competition with this very song once I hit 200 followers. I'm excited to see what you guys do with it once the competition is out. Cheers!

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  • i really like this

    let me know when your actually turning this into a contest

    • i'm not interested in the prizes i just want to have a good time :)

      also thanks a lot for your nice words

      i'm honored to actually be an inspiration for someone

      and don't get frustrated when it seems like nobody is interested in your work

      in the end your making the music for yourself and not for other people :) <3

    • (2/2) I will let you know when the contest will get released, granted it could take a long time. I'm not going to have the best prizes, but it would be awesome if you could participate.

    • (1/2)This is to clarify any questions and joke around. First of all, yes this is completely inspired off of retro's style (which btw i love with all my heart). Second, funny seeing you all here. But in all seriousness, this tells me people DO appreciate my work, for which I am extremely grateful. Third, thanks for taking time to listen. I put my soul into each song I make, and since I am kinda at a really low point, tis means so much. Thank you guys soo much!

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