Original here: ▶+⦿Burst V.2 #

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  • hot asf

  • tear inducing

    flying into the sun with this

    thank you for these colors

    • what exactly are you mad over

      if you don't want remixes, close remix

      it doesn't show up as a remix because of a well known audiotool glitch

      there is nothing that can be done about it

      [KUAIM Remix] is in the title showing that the original is not his and you were credited in the description

      i'm sorry, you're just making yourself look dumb

    • The title literally says [KUAIM Remix] and the desc has your song linked to it. Mature a little and stop being so mad, you were given credit and even though it isn't directly linked to yours as a remix Kuaim still credited you...

      So I don't see why you're so upset, if he did this to me and linked it to my song and it said [KUAIM Remix] I would be perfectly fine lol.

    • a guy changed my track enough to make it different and make it his own using his talent as a producer and credited me in the description my life fucking SUCKS i havent showered in DAYS and my ASSHOLE IS CRUSTY because i LIKE IT THAT WAY...... FUCK MY STUPID CHUNGUS LIFE,,,

    6 more
  • great remix

  • omg the snare

  • I can’t get over this

  • insaneeeee

  • What the fuckk

    1 more
  • good god

  • Insane lead work

  • crack

  • Holy Shit man

  • Republished

    | UPDATE 2 |

    - Added a breakdown

    - More mixing

  • wtf corey

  • im crying and shaking my legs client how dare you keep hitting us out like this!!!!!!!

  • im on my hands and knees crying