own desc

well here it is in. hope you like it. had a lot of fun making. dope cords made my ears happy while working on it.

if i got time before feb 20 i may add some things but 4 now this is it.

original text:

Yo, not too long ago, I had achieved 100 followers, and i'm already at 200 now.. Thanks guys, your support means so much to me!!! You guys are really something special!!



☆Remember to post on MY wall if you want me to mix a track or collab as a part of your prize☆

Also, post the link to your remix either on my wall or in the comments if i haven't seen it yet.


0th place- a slap on the ass


1st Place- $10 (Paypal only), Follow (If im not already following you), Collab, Shoutout on my social media accounts, Mixing for any 3 tracks of yours, Permanent Shoutout on my wall, I binge listen to all of your tracks lol


2nd Place- $5 (Paypal only), Follow, Shoutout on my wall, Mixing for one of your tracks, Binge listen to all ur tracks ahhahahha


3rd Place- $1 (Paypal only), Follow, Shoutout on my wall, Binge listen to your tracks but with my headphones on 100% and i chug a gallon of gamer sauce

[btw binge listen is basically i listen to and favorite all of your tracks]



-You can add other stuff, but you must use either the chords or the melody in your remix (You can edit the chords and the melody, as long as they can be recognized).

-Must be at least 1 minute long

-Any genre is accepted

-Republishing before the deadline is allowed

-Collabs are allowed, but it's up to you to split the prize if you win

-You can remix in another DAW if you really want to, but i'd prefer you to do the remix here

-You may use any picture or title you want



February 20th (will extend if 2 or more people ask)

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