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  • favorite. You give such a feeling and emotion... words cannot describe how much passion this track gives.

  • Your a wizard as always sir, god damn I miss u and you wisdom.

  • just creamed


  • brooooooooooo so good

  • Great job yo!

  • These drums are indeed full of emotions, a great combination with your deep words

  • james bond vibes

  • The vocals are amazing, just love the melody, great bass I like that, so good :~)

  • Love this 🔥🔥🔥

  • okay honestly... this one hits different, make sure to post this outside of AT i can see it being received very well :D good stuff tornsage once again.

  • don't like the feeling of this water down my skin

    don't like pretending i'm not bothered cause it stings

    you and i both knew from the moment of our fling

    how this could go, how different you and i have lived

    i never said i ever wanted anything

    iv'e never wanted any other ever since

    woke up this morning only longing in my limbs

    flashback from yesterday told me all your sins

    maybe you should hear

    and now i'm crying

    and now i'm crying

    flashback from yeasterday told me all your sins

    • Sad words.Thank you,Torn.Your performance of the composition is magnificent !

  • Although I don't understand the words,but I perfectly feel the essence of the track.

    Great job,Torn !

  • the stretched drums are such a nice touch. giving the slightest artifact to add some emotional grit. hot damn.