not finished i dont know what else to do thenks to young red chief for the link for vocals this is dedicated to my girl zoniya

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  • The intro isnt the best.. The transitions from the vocals and the beat need some work.. They cut off sharply and fading in and out would sound a little better. The beat is very repetitive too. I see a lot of samples, and not that much of your work as well..

    The vocals are beautiful and hard. The beat is steady and on beat, which is good!

    • im sorry i left awnser plssssssssss

    • Yeah, I know. We used to talk all the time, but he kinda just disappeared. Its better to leave an offer, rather than not at all.

    • I would say keep working in the studio and learn more about music! I can help you if you need!

      Good job though!

  • i like it :)

  • Vocals are fire, absolutely just killing this track. I suggest variety in the drums.

    I see that you seem to use the same preset over and over, do NOT fall into that trap bro (pun not intended).

    Please, if you intend on going for trap songs then I suggest a unique approach bass and rum wise.

    If you wish, I can make a trap song and send it your way, or even better we can go into a track together and make one, but this song would be charting already if not for the simplicity.

  • Republished

    ithfn gvihfenicsn

  • oh come on someone has to like