Could I use this for a youtube channel? (Ik that audiotool has a youtube channel but there is something I wanna do.) If you're interested please take a look at my bio. (I sound like a scammer lol.)

idfk judge me
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0 -
0 throwback
1 nah i made a full album of worse lofi
1 I want to work with Vulkron, but I can't for 3 reasons:
1) my computer can't handle his creativity and ways
2) I don't think he likes my "style" of music, because of the whole "sample trap" thing
3) i'm not on his level.....
0 Imma see what i can do w/ this
6 vulkron is pretty much ed sheeran on this site, smh. it's good don't get me wrong, but you always chart my guy.
0 How to drums please
3 Everything Vulkron charts
1 Damn, this is some sexy shit
1 how do i delete this
0 Omg <3
2 i had to add this to my album. im laughing so hard rn
3 i hate that i like this so much haha
2 before chart squad
0 this is sooo sexy honestlyyyy