Messing around with the Amen, just like 30 years of electronic artists before me. (Which makes this the first track I made without a Machiniste and that same snare hit I always use!)
Expect a breakcore version of this track up in the next few days, too, if you're into that.
EDIT 2/15/12: Tweaked eq on the Amen loop to increase snare snappiness, ran entire track through heavy compression to bring out the kick and make the bass more grumbly. Volume noticeably louder now.
SWEEEET!!!! This is so cool dude. I love the bass and the drums. The edit's are the icing. I love this. This one is going on my favourites' wall. I may even remix it. I need to open it first and see what I can do playing around with it. Either way I love this one.