Made spontaneously in 6 hours. I emulated the sound of Karplus-Strong synthesis by using Rasselbock stutter to create a tone out of noise. Scratch at 0 strength was used to change the note of the stutter by the tone knob. This track is made using only noise and sine waves (those sawtooth waves used to make noise count as noise).

At the beginning, you hear a noise sound crossfade into its stuttered self.

The resonant synth that slightly resembles a distorted 303 was made by Heisenberg "noise" with high resonance. The haphazard filter sweep was made using LFOs with complex waveforms.

The lead "guitar" synth was made with noise. 1/256 rate didn't produce a high enough tone even at the doubled tempo, so I had to slap on a Pitchdelay, which lowered the quality. I suppose I like the dirtied sound.

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  • This is amazing!

  • woah audiotool went a long way

  • The first few seconds reminds me of The Terminator.

  • Great Job!

  • so impressive. never cease to amaze me with all the sound design experiments that you do.

  • Great sound, particularly the bass. I bet you had fun with the process. :)

  • Well crafted...downloaded!

  • NO samples used in this track.

  • You come up with the most difficult possible way to do something, do it, and do it better than anyone else could with no restrictions. I am humbled.

  • *opens mouth to say something*

    *slowly closes it*

    *mouth opens again in shock and awe*

  • Freekin heck 232 bpm. That urban futuristic sound is amazing!

  • wow!

  • Even with the weird name i could tell it was you by the technical description

  • well, this is truly amazing, thank you RESPECT

  • !!!!!!