I'm working on this but i like how it sounds now, simple, so here it is my first upload

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  • excellent sound !!

  • (:

  • yes, you are right sharkyyo. I'm working on it. First i will EQ this and later i will remix it. Just to make it more complex because now it is too plain and simple. I like it because there is beauty on simplicity too and it sounds me chilling but definetely it needs more work.

  • After several listening, still very good but definitly needs some compressor / EQ to get rid of unwanted pikes

  • preciosa la melodia, a mi m'agrada escoltar aquest estil de música, com que jo nomralment no creo música relaxant em va bé per descansar les orelles una mica :)

  • hahaha thanks for your sincerity man!

  • It is nice but I'm getting a bit fed up with all these chill piano tracks. I blame Tornsage...Goddam you Torn!!!!!

  • Thanks guys, just a simple simple version

  • The cover is a warm compliment to the sounds here--very lovely

  • I really like it, peace and tranquility breathing into this track! Great job

  • love so much the cover btw ;)

  • remind me olaf's stuff, really well done my friends, very charming sounds