Hey guys. I revived my account not too long ago to help one of my very close friends, and an EX-Audiotool user. She is struggling with basic food supplies, mental health, and rent. She has had expensive valuables robbed from her as well, and a recent breakup. They're needing all the help they can get

I think it would be amazing if we could all come together to help someone who was once so beloved in the community. Any money donation will help

Here's where you can donate:

Here's their Audiotool account: @Kurea

Create an account or to write a comment.

  • Sent $25, hope this helps.

  • finna send 50

  • fucking wholesome moments on audiotool

  • I'd like to say that you, @Client , are an amazing friend for doing this. I don't have the financials to donate, but I would in a heartbeat.

    I wish you the best of luck that can be achieved, @Kurea . May all your endeavors come true <3

  • "i'm not exactly sure how to express my thanks to everyone (neurodivergent), but thank you so much for your donations, it means more to me than i can express in words." - @Kurea

  • Im gonna try my best to send somethingggg! hopefully I get my card working again soon😭

    Wishing you the best Kurea! 💖

    please take care of yourself!

  • sending $15 and my best wishes

    would donate more but i myself am broke

  • Thank you to everyone who helped with this! It makes me happy to see this becoming a reality for them. Seriously, you guys are amazing

  • Sent $100

    Please take good care of yourselves!!

  • I sent $50. Sending my thoughts!

  • I cannot donate, as I am very young, but I wish the best for kurea.

  • Unfortunately can not donate as much money as I'd like, but I hope it helps anyways. Sending my best wishes for the situation to get better.

  • Whatever is going on behind the scenes, i hope they can stand back up and learn from this experience. Honestly even though i don't trust you both i sent 100 cause it probably means more to kurea than it does to me. Please get your life together ❤️

  • Thank you for setting this up. Please pass the message to kurea that she's got more love and support than all that shit that's happening right now.