Why am i so fuking late on this. For the people who commented about the pluck. I live it, bitches. Around 1:20 is my favorite part. So anyone who don't like the pluck can "SUCK MY BALLS"........ There I said it, my mom is at work, so yeah I said it.
Finally annother serious track lol.
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0 -
0 Old but gold
0 love this boi oml
0 How have I not seen this yet <33333
0 god this is great
0 woah,I really like this
0 i think fm pluck would fit better if you added more, but this is kool
0 That drop tho <3
0 @[Sol3r] Just wait until you hear our collab XD
0 Kool
0 Wow. This is goooood
0 nice!
0 imho, this shouldnt have a really high FM pluck. it should have a loud trap leed. nice nontheless
(also, i wouldnt mind a collab)