The results are in! Check the results album I created for details. You may remix if you wish but the competition is closed.

The only rule was to stick to the melody. It didnt have to be the exact same melody, you could have added to it, take notes out, or tweaked and added effect devices, it had to be recognizable.

You were allowed to use presets and samples but I admired remixes without samples more than the ones with them. (oneshot samples like snares and hats were ok, an already made beat or melody is what I meant)

You could have kept this track progressive or turn it into any genre you want. Trap or Dubstep impressed me.

The top 6 remixes were put in the results album. The prizes for remix competitions are in my bio

And before I get roasted in the coments, I know the beatbox8 sucks I just used it to make an example beat.

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