Neptune's Trident has many powers and talents...including the beats (music).

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  • ok thanks. maybe i ca give you my user and pass if you wanna finish my track. :) I can email it to you if you want.

  • id like to dude give me a few days and ill try im not promising nothing i dont really use that what is it the 303 one track i did and failed but i can try.... :)

  • Ok thanks! I think I did hook it up i'm not for sure. But i'm working on it right now and it's probably going to be up by this weekend not next week. :)

  • idk if thats for later or if maybe you by accident unhooked it and forgot to plug it back up but anyways good work! and check out my most recent track called break free if you like fav can use all the favs i can get on it... and im in the process of making it longer and adding some effects to the vocals and what not hope you like it :) let me know what you think

  • well for one i like this hope you finish this.... also i opened it up just to check it out and i noticed you have a slope pedal with a bunch of changes on the knobs through out the timeline but i saw its not hooked connected to anything but the out on it is just connected to the mixer.

  • I will be finishing this by the end of next week (I hope)! Other than that, I would love to hear some feedback, get some favorites, and more followers! :)