Back To Pure Brostep. This is the first song i will allow for remix. IF YOU RESPECT ME ENOUGH, DON'T JUST PUT A FUCKING RASSEL BOX ON IT PLEASE. i mean you can use one(i have two in there for the vocal and slow effect , but that's it), but don't base the entire remix using it.

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  • omg holy crap better than grimebot!!!!

  • this is some great brostep you did there i think if you send it to zomboy or skrillex maybe they can remix it

  • omg

  • HOLY!

  • i think you did this one marvelously! probably a lot better than my dubstep

  • Thanks for all the compliments! Slow and steady coarse to greatness

  • Republished

    Minor Changes unnoticable to the casual listener

  • Where's your Never Say Die contract mate? Cause you fucking need one you legend!

  • dude holy crap how do you have so few followers this is amazing

  • Republished

    Redo Bass and stereo enhanceed