so many ppl remix this and dont even really do a remix sadly

A cinematic score piece using Audiotool Next
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0 did yall check out the new Cyber/ Blade Runner Mix?
Dubstep remix
1 Hardstyle Remix
That's all I'ma say.
0 Eternity ( Blade Runner Ethereal Remix) this is what i managed to do
0 apple m1 max processor is weird
my pc displays this as being 500.61273444444444444444444444444418 terabytes!?!??!?!!?
0 hmmmmmmmm
ok what if i did a real remix of this for once
0 Aaayyy You be stealin my song from a website that is long gone. (pls dont say this with a hippie voice.)
1 aHHHHA i forgot this was a thing
i could destroy this holy shit
0 Check the remixes and look for "Eternity (jolleyr Remix)" 'cause that's mine.
0 suck nuts u bitches i dont give a fuck
0 fuck u
0 Imagine remixing this but doing absolutely nothing to it
1 time to actually do an actual remix of this track lol
1 keep up the great wok!