technically techno because of the second drop lol

i tried out a slightly different method for drums and such and honestly i kind of prefer doing it this way rather than via midi sequencing.

i remember hearing a jungle track awhile back with a 303 in it, and with how everything was layered it fit in really well, and i wish there was more jungle tunes that took advantage of the 303

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  • amazing!

  • Awesome track. I think the first synth has a little too much stereo when it's playing by itself.

    Also the stabby synth that starts at 1:30 clashes a little with the sub imho. I'd try to cut some of the low end of that or something.

    Very nice percusion and sub though. I like the concept! :)

    • Or maybe try the stabs an octave higher

  • Republished

    too much 303, now there is slightly less 303