YAY! I love all the NBC comedies, The Office, Parks and Rec, and 30 Rock (and Community) and so I mixed their themes into a slightly sloppy medley! Took a long time... Parks and Rec was surprisingly the hardest... And I didn't include Community's theme because it isn't original to the show. GO NBC!!!

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  • Wow!!!!!!!

  • no, i have it too on my latest track, about 1200 plays only 30 something faves....im waiting on a bug fix, is gets annoying when you cant tell how many listen to it, thoug i dont much care, the fave counter and the comment part isnt broken, so i dont really mind the play counter

  • I THOUGH AS MUCH!!! Someone else was talking about that problem... Vury strange. That's so good though, I was worried my songs are so bad that my play to comment/favorite ratio was 1/1110 XD

  • spread the word if you can, im waiting on a fix for it...btw, the sounds are familiar by i have little idea, i dont watch much television...

  • im listening now cuz i saw it on my feed, HEADS UP: the insane amount of plays is an audiotool bug, it causes the player counter to skyrocket the amount of plays

  • I really don't get why I get so many plays, and out of those 1,000 people nooooobody comments?!?!??