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  • i cry it's so btf dang it thx obviously you have more skill then me i love how you use my loop amazing ,,,,

  • I remixed it for you. Thanks for influencing me on what genre of music I should follow up on. DnB is perfect!!!

  • Freaking awesome music !!!

  • eheh yes me too... re-fav.. radio is very helpul :)

  • Queen of DnB :)

  • BTF on radio Audiotool.

  • Nice dark distorted synth x)

  • nice sound ;p

  • Ohhh I love the tune in general in this one. c:

  • All keyboardists have to have good rhythm. It's just that on a piano or other key instrument, it's not the rhythm alone that drives things where drummers are primarily concerned with rhythm. Well, that's my lame ass excuse...

  • this is the junk...and how can u not like making beats lol....idk maybe its just me because ima drummer...but i love making beats

  • I think that's what bugs me...I actually can do drums. I can even do good drums that aren't just 80's, but for the most part i love the 80's style with those snares out loud and proud!

  • hehe. ;) I know! Drums are not always my favorite part actually because of the COMPLETE PAIN than can be to construct in dnb. I like your drums though arche. The 80s drums are so great! I found that "Alpha" was a fun track to make because it forced me to work on synths in a more melodic way. :)

  • I used to do so much with the machiniste, now I'm so lazy with it. I have synths to set up and note tracks to write. Drums are the least of my worries LOL

  • Yeah, makes a difference huh? Gives it extra speed and umph! ;)