alright i think it's done

here's my first-ever entry to audiotool day - AUDIOTOOL DAY 2018 [WINNERS]

it's not gonna win anything but that's cool


out on my soundcloud and bandcamp


photo by jr korpa:

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  • You should try putting in some subbass around 44 where the first drop is, or at 56ish where the second "dropish" kind of part is

    just a thought

    • I gotcha now, I guess my headphones were too low to pick that up, but I hear it now

    • there is sub bass at both of those points :)

      it cuts out at 45 ( 2:01 ) as a little break before the whole drop hits you

      56 ( 2:32 ) is when the song filters up before the little outro thing where the bass goes down

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    added reversed piano thingy and other changes

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    nope that sounded horrible. how about this

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    added piano to verse

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    i think it's kinda dumb how i have to repub to change properties like cover and tags

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    sorry so many repubs. i think i'm almost done

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    hihat fix

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    i'm stupid - fixed some stuff

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    i'll probably try and put some vocal choppy thingys in the verse so it's not so boring

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