“Niveo has successfully defeated all of the slimes! Props to her! Here’s a little song to celebrate! Little does she know there is more to come… >:)”

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  • I'm definitely gonna try something with this

  • wait, the main melody is mine too right?

    because I feel like I made a melody similar to that

    or do we just think alike too much these days? XDDDD

    and thx again for making a song that supports me! :DDD

    • :DDD


      I'll send ya both sum noice inviteeeees very suuuun XD

    • 1. Yes the main drop melody is yours. And no problem!

      2. YES!!!

      I mean-

      I would love to collab with you. XD

    • Alr!!! :D

    5 more
  • #8!

  • remix time! >:)

  • I like the melody, although I would've personally moved it somewhere different, but really lovely none the less.

  • Republished


  • Ooo very groovy!!!

  • Republished

    Officially Released!

  • Awesome stuff. Can't wait for the whole album!

  • nice melodies! !you've got a new fan, those melodies have won me over

    • Hehe... I'm known to have some of the best melodies on AT... XD

      Ask some people that comment on my wall, they'll tell ya all about it!

      But tysm for the follow!

  • oi I hear cringy sound desing

    is that mine????

    *checks assets*

    oh shoot lol I'm right XDDD

    2 more