
0:00 / 1. [meek3]

2:58 / 2. darksyde.

4:33 / 3. wat2du.

6:47 / 4. pawmoliv.

8:42 / 5. [meek4]

10:28 / 6. [mos]

11:20 / 7. ducwrth.

12:51 / 8. mostblunted.

14:04 / 9. blkfreestyL.

16:23 / 10. nomoreparties.

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  • Dropped this without warning I'm not mentally prepared

    • Went hard from 1-10

      Well done

  • Are you putting these tracks on bandcamp? just curious.

  • You couldn't have sent th!s to me at a better t!me man been a long day. Be!ng completely honest all of these are my favor!te can't get enough of th!s. Had me rapp!ng to all of 'em, bout to blast th!s on the speakers. That trans!t!on from '[mos]' to 'ducwrth' was hella smooth 2 of my favs back to back 'mostblunted.' !s so cold. You the TRUTH bruh fr.


    blkfreestyL. got !t for me tho' Black Thought !s top t!er

  • yo whats the sample for "wat2du."

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