It makes me so happy to say that ALMOST ALL OF THESE PRESETS AND SOME OF THESE SAMPLES ARE ACTUALLY MY OWN!!! I watched a 14-minute video on sound design and started experimenting, and I think I did great for what pretty much is my first time! I tried to go slightly for more of an ILLENIUM style track this time while still maintaining my style, and SURPRISE! Random voice reveal! I don't know what came over me to make this decision but I did... and no regrets (yet)! I'm aware these vocals aren't the greatest quality vocals in the world (and I don't have the greatest quality voice in the world), I have yet to figure out how to use any professional stuff. So for now, this is what I'm working with. Eventually, I'd like to re-record these vocals with better quality, but at the moment I'm just sucking it up. I couldn't get the live record feature on AT to work for me so I had to import these as samples... oof. SCREW HIGH NOTES, THOSE WERE SO FRICKING DIFFICULT TO PULL OFF MAN- anyway... I wish I could expand this song, but I don't have any ideas for what the next lyrics could be. Plus, I already expressed the theme that I wanted to tell with this song. Feel free to give me advice on how to make proper vocals, how to improve my voice, set up a mic, ANYTHING- that would be appreciated immensely.
Lost in a winter storm
The frost began to bite
Cold became my heart
And dark became my sight
Then you came into view
A vibrant ray of light
Your warmth melted the cold
You brought me back to life
You rescued me
When it was hard to save myself
You saw in me what I couldn't see
And my demons you repelled
You changed my world
Made me want to change for you
And I wonder if you have someone who'd do the same for you
Yup, that's me!... (and I'm actually a girl but technically I don't care what you refer to me as lmao)
I actually did NOT use autotune, I recorded these shitty vocals on Soundtrap and found that personally, I felt that my voice sounded worse with autotune- so I left that out
is it ok if i (or we, if you're interested) do a VIP of this and submit to proximity? I showed this to them and they said it has potential to be featured
Hahaha that's okay man, I'm on the same page. I've been getting my share of homework and have a ton of makeup work now (I just came back from a family trip), and on top of that I need to get going on college/scholarship applications :/ I've been feeling very overwhelmed as well... I haven't been on AT much either, I'm trying to get back on here more.
Thanks though, I appreciate it. Hope you've been well, hang in there :)
Hey, Icebox... I haven't forgotten about this. I really, really wanted this, and I STILL do, I was incredibly excited for it- I just can't really do shit on the draft because every time I load it up, it's way too big and laggy for me to be able to contribute anything :(
I was wondering what you wanted to do about this. Did you end up forgetting about it lol
I just heard Adele's voice again on the bus ride home and dude, I have NO IDEA where your head was at when you said I sounded like her but I SOUND NOTHING LIKE HER BRUH XDDDD
And Cero, I didn't find it rude at all tbh, made me even prouder that I have such a deep voice. I thought it would've taken only 2 notes, but 3? Awesome! :D
I'm hoping I can sing more often in my stuff, I'll just need people to process vocals for me. As a matter of fact, me and
are working on a track together that I'll be singing in as well- stay tuned!
Not gonna lie, when I made this, I wasn't just taking inspiration from ILLENIUM, I was also taking a bit of inspiration from you
with some of the singing techniques and a hint of the instrumental.
I just realized that though as I was listening to the track again, I heard some elements in here that reminded me of a couple of your past tracks. Somehow it was like some subconscious inspiration... does anyone else get that or is that just a me thing?
nice! i definitely hear some of that illenium influence. you have a good voice, keep at it :)
one little crit, i feel that the piano is a bit too loud. maybe have it more in the background (probably with some reverb) so that it's not overbearing and competing for attention with the vocals.