Woo! I had a lot of fun making this, thanks for this awesome track to remix!

(I know this isn't perfect, I might come back to this, idk.)

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  • Republished

    Used another one of my drops, screw it. This song took WAY too much work .-. I put my heart and soul into this song and it still sounds bad...

  • Republished

    Small Update, might be my last idk. This is ironically the song I have worked the most on. Enjoy!

  • @XculE Yeah I'm going to update it again, working on it right now, thanks for the comment! It means a lot.

  • Woh! Like the updates u made too this :3

  • Republished

    Small Update, will update again soon

  • Pretty cool

  • Woah idk why it glitched the update stuff. 3rd one is no update.

  • Republished

    Fixed up the wobbles and took out a lot of the samples that the original had. Feedback Appreciated!

  • Republished

    Fixed up the wobbles and took out a lot of the samples that the original had. Feedback Appreciated!

  • Btw I super rushed this, I made this remix in like an hour or two.