o k

unicorns and rainbows amirite?
lol you have no idea how much this fucking lagged my tablet ;-;
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0 -
0 ok
0 me too
0 yeS
2 i actually like the distorted style
0 make this into an actual song
it would be really good
2 the lil burp at the end
0 vvv i know, it's a joke
why u gotta make me explain my jokes
0 @kc ye thats the point lmao
0 pretty nice, clips a little at parts
0 what can u make AT on the tab?
0 UrniKERns Nd RAinDboahs
0 Lol
0 aaaaah pls bring back vandienct with all that distortion and h e a v y basses :c
0 the waveform is a dick with the head chopped off... O.o