Needs more work. AT was being weird so I had to remove some of what I had.

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  • Thanks guys.

  • the atmo..

  • Nice likin the flipped sounds. Try putting a bass pad in time with the beats, it might fill it out a bit more :)

  • interesting sound :)

  • yes, i really like the sound that comes to my ears as somewhat reversed; always makes me feel momentarily as if i'm slipping backward in time. like i might drift in either direction but i can't normally tell which way because i'm in it, stuck in the perceived directed timeline again. if i could get stuck in my best day . . .

  • wow huge potential for development - nice sooooounds !!

  • well i might

  • Thanks everyone. I'm a little frustrated I had to delete stuff just to get it to publish but if anyone wants to remix, go right ahead. I'd like to hear this sound fully fleshed out and mixed by someone who knows what they are doing lol.

  • Good one.

  • Thanks

  • real soothing! I like!

  • Go right ahead. I was having a lot of problems but that's partly my computer. It's a great sounding preset :).

  • Mind I I remix this?

  • Thanks for using my preset :D This sounds awesome!