I've decided to try to make dubstep, so here's my little experiment. If anyone could give me tips on how to make it sound more dubsteppy, they would be appreciated!

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  • That beginning is awesome, but the syths that follow are kinda shaky sorts id change those n then the track would be perfect!!! :D

  • Sounds good mate. Maybe I should get back into the audiotooling business before i turn 15 ^

  • Thanks! What do you think I should do with the drums?

  • I'm so proud to see someone not use loops :'D plus, I really like this sound. the only thing I would fix would be the drums. aside from that, keep playing around with synth design and you'll go far!

  • I don't know, doing homework. I had just been forgetting about audiotool.


  • Where have you been?? Anyways nice track :)

  • Upped the tempo, I thought it was too slow

  • another re-pub ....still good nice edits done

  • Thanks! I was just working on it after a long hiatus from audio tool.

  • better

  • Thanks!

  • Tips on making dubstep?

    Hmm let me see...

    Keep on doing what you're doing now :)


  • wow. very nice work and very interesting take on how to make a dubstep synth. I actually really enjoy the product of the sound it made. kinda want to experiment with that now :D

  • wow. very nice work and very interesting take on how to make a dubstep synth. I actually really enjoy the product of the sound it made. kinda want to experiment with that now :D