For music class (over ten second recording).

What I did here was use the audiotool recording features to make drum beats (shown in red and tan colors) to go along with a chill synth loop I found through audiotools open loop system.

Remixed version of Trancelove and stuff apparently from FM(L'sPT)

I will probably make this a track in due time.

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  • [also for music class] If you want to see the "innards" of the track, you can click on remix and you will be able to see it. Also if you make an account on here you can remix this one up and make your own mini-track!

  • [for music class] Also, I want to let you guys that this is just one of many that I have made. In total, I have made over a hundred different tracks ever since I finished highschool. If you would like to know a bit more about audiotool, you should come talk to me and I'll be able to tell you a bit about it. Also, if you are interested in using online/free programs, but want something a bit easier to start with than audiotool, I definitely recommend Soundation.