I actually really just don't understand using the pulv for basses. I mean if you like it, you do you.

Fun Fact: I actually like using the pulverisateur the best for basses.
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0 -
0 Good music
0 My neck hurts from grooving so hard
1 omg that chord progression is so nice
2 i love the melody man
2 Passed the mod check with flying colors. Great synthwork!
1 wow
1 this is so great man. Outstanding work
1 this is #10 in bass music and #10 in singles. lol
1 Thank u for the fun fact!!! Ur the best!!! I love when really good artist share some tips with beginner artist!!!!
0 It needs way more basses tho, and that's just me, I like a track full of unique basses like yours, just add more :D
7 Heyo... no hidden samples check.
0 Imagine synthesizing ur basses! Pssht
1 Dope shit tho