using sxcond gxn sounds, for now, I will def use the lead it fits so well, but I'll sound design later. These are nice chords I made for someone that means a lot to me

Chords: Gmaj9, F#7, Bm7, Dmaj9, Gmaj9, F#7, F7, Bm7, Dmaj9

Voicings are different and chords are in different inversions

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  • Vanessa.... hmm....

  • I give up on this

  • ill work on it in about an hour and 15 minutes

  • Republished

    reverb for intro

  • Republished

    hi hats

  • Republished

    Added tops, still working on it currently as of now just exporting it bc I have an idea

  • Republished

    extended duration for now

  • Republished

    Chorus on lead

  • I'm going to change the voicings a bit more, needs more flavor to the chords