very unexpected sounds and beats :] nice. sounds like you put a lot of work into the notes, incredible synth work :]

It has been a long time since the tribe has seen rain. Water has become scarce, yet something seems different about today.
Suprise!!! I got ambitious today, a friend and I put a solid five hours in this
(The tribe chanted for rain for a while....)
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0 -
0 Melody is great/combined with that synth!
Weird i should upload a song to do with tribes just now and just found this :')
0 love the precussions
0 love the precussions
0 very cool
0 You guys kicked ass! Great job!
0 o man this is damm good love it codex
0 This is super cool. I like the notes. The five hours paid off! Nice work! I really like the droning chant too. :)
0 illin
0 Thanks doctor, I am really trying hard to make time for audiotool, and today I was free and hanging out with derek, so we made this :) He doesn't like it though haha
0 I thought you were outta here. Then you break bad with more work. haha
Nice!!! Ya Done Good.
0 Well, he and I work really well together, he is the one who taught me to play guitar and piano, and basically got me into music. So we combined skills. I am going to go back and revamp it, add more to the break, and lengthen the track some :P
0 oh dang if you wouldnt have told me that i would have really believed you did it :) your pretty good are coming up with stuff yourself.....
0 Nice!! I figured you would like it, all the synths were written on piano, then we made them on audiotool. Derek is a phenomenal pianist :)
0 oh heck yeah dig this!!!