I like these chords. they're, like, going around in a circle.

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  • Hindsight, 20/20 vision, wish we knew we never listen

    point of view was not omniscient,

    we won't skew, remain efficient

    when they come alive,

    civilization goes down the drain.

    let the water rise,


    Bury your panic..... can you feel the static? Monocromatic

    when you turn up the screen then we'll shatter the ceramic.

    Slapped and spurred, crashed and cursed, slapped and spurred crashed and cursed hold back the hurt.

  • still legendary from day 1

  • 10k plays. lol.

  • refav

    • this was actually on the charts when I first discovered audiotool

  • is that cover from no game no life

    • Yes that is one of the main characters and the sister to the other main character. (There are two main characters and they are brother and sister.)

    2 more
  • real old

  • Wow... this is FIRE! I also love the cover for your song.

    (I happened to watch the anime that goes to the cover...)

  • wow .-.

  • oh my god this is so good. You are really good with chill trap stuff man. Oh man and that drop. The melody line on top is absolute sex

  • if only you made more stuff like this

    • he's matured into a different style that he's good at so nah

  • still rememebr this coming out, one of the first songs i listened to since i joined AT

  • refav

  • 800th listen aaaaaaa

  • Luv it!!

  • honestly expected a dnb drop

    nice fake